24 Truths You Need To Hear If You Are Having A C-Section
The decision to go with a C-section isn’t easy for any expectant mom. However, at that very moment, all that matters to her would be her baby’s well-being. Yet, despite having a strong reason for it, most new moms are often frustrated about the stigma and criticism that comes their way after C-section surgery. One of the major culprits for this are misconceptions spread about C-section and the way it affects a woman’s body postpartum. The result – despite taking a decision that was in the best interest of her baby, a new mom will continue to wallow in guilt for doing so. If you too are doing this with yourself, then let us tell you – DON’T DO IT!
If it makes you feel any better, then here are 24 truths about C-Section that you’d love to hear:
- The fact that your baby was pulled out of your stomach does not make you less of a mother, just like the rest of them.
- Your bond with your baby will be just as special as it would have been had you delivered via any other type of birth!
- Your birthing experience will still be as joyous.
- Your body will amaze you with the speed at which it heals itself.
Within two weeks of giving birth, your recovery process would have well begun to sink in. - One of your best friends would be pain-relief medications.
- The belly binder wraps can make a whale of a difference.
- Don’t forget asking for them at your hospital.
- You might hate the nurse who’ll frequently ask you to get up and walk a bit, at least to the washroom. But you’ll do it anyway.
- One of the things you’ll need to dread on your ride back home would be the road bumps.
- You’ll miss your mom or sis terribly in the labor room. However, the labor room nurses would be equally sweet and might even capture your special moment on the camera for you.
- If someone tells you it’s wrong to get your hair done in a cool braid or put makeup on before labor, then DON’T believe them!On the contrary, it’s highly recommended that you do it!
- Never underestimate the anesthesiologist. Pray that you get a good one who understands your pain tantrums.
- It is true – most babies born through C-section are more likely to have round heads at the time of birth.
- Never think you have enough of high-waisted, seamless undies or pants that have smooth, stretchy waistbands. They’ll never go waste. You’ll wear them for a longer time than you imagined.
- It is completely normal for you to feel indifferent about the type of birth for your baby’s sake and also feel sad and frustrated about it all at once!
- You might have to wait for weeks before you can start driving again.
- Allowing others to help you is one of the fastest ways to recovery. So take help without hesitation.
- Never refuse someone’s food parcel. In fact, ask (unabashedly) anyone who’s visiting you to get something to eat on their way to your home/hospital.
- Friends who pitch in to take care of your older children without your asking will create a special place in your heart.
- Don’t just keep your hospital bag ready. Keep a necessity basket ready too for the day when you come back home after the exhausting hospital discharge formalities.
- Don’t rush into getting back in shape or taking your mommy duties head-on. Give your body enough time or else you’ll pay for it later.
- If someone tells you they are sorry for you having undergone a C-section, don’t get riled up. They are mostly talking about the surgical pain you had to endure (which isn’t pleasant for anyone, let alone mothers).
- You’ll feel an immediate connection each time you hear about a friend or family member who has undergone a C-section. Reach out to them if you can.
- The surgical scar will fade with time. Don’t bother hiding them when you head out to the beach. Be proud. You gave birth to a life! Being a mom isn’t going to be an easy task for any woman. But beating yourself up for choosing a type of birth is certainly one of the baggage you can avoid carrying the burden of. Some of the truths stated above are practical as well philosophical, but mostly those that have been born out of true experiences. They’re something you’ll be able to share with your fellow C-section mothers too!
Source: https://www.momjunction.com/trending/truths-you-need-to-hear-if-you-are-having-cesarean-section_00572930/